Snow Biscuit
Shepherd’s Hut

Shepherd’s Hut

Situated on uphills of Kareri, you can enjoy Shepherd’s hut also known as Rabbit hut. Our guide can accompany you and serve freshly prepared food at these huts.

A small hill hut often evokes a sense of tranquility and simplicity. Imagine being nestled amidst rolling green hills, with the gentle breeze carrying the scent of wildflowers and fresh grass. Inside the hut, there’s a cozy warmth emanating from a crackling fireplace, casting dancing shadows on the walls. The sound of chirping birds and rustling leaves seeps through the wooden walls, creating a symphony of nature’s melodies.

There’s a certain intimacy to the space, a feeling of being cocooned within nature’s embrace. The earthy aroma of wood and soil mingles with the faint scent of pine, grounding you in the present moment. Sunlight filters through the small windows, dappling the rustic interior with golden hues.

Sitting inside the hut, you might feel a deep sense of peace wash over you, as if the worries of the world outside have momentarily melted away. It’s a place where time seems to slow down, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the simple pleasures of life – reading a book by the fire, sipping a warm cup of tea, or simply gazing out at the endless expanse of nature stretching before you.

In this serene setting, you can’t help but feel a profound connection to the natural world and a sense of gratitude for the beauty that surrounds you. It’s a feeling of contentment, of being exactly where you’re meant to be, in harmony with both yourself and the world around you.
